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Kathy, G. (n.d.). TS is More than Tics: Understanding Behavioural Challenges and Related Symptoms. Retrieved from

Giordano, K. J., & Edelman, M. (n.d.). Understanding Behavioral Symptoms in Tourette Syndrome. Retrieved from

What is Tourette's Syndrome video:  (singapore) 

Behavioural Challenges And Symptoms Faced By Individuals With Tourette Syndrome video:



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Issues And Challenges Faced By Individuals With Tourette Syndrome

An Individual diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) faces quite a few issues in their lives. Auditory & Visual Individuals with TS need more time to process info. For instance, in a classroom setting, a student with TS requires some time to think before they can answer a teacher's question. This can lead to some giving up entirely on expressing their opinions, and a few to  fill the awkward silence by saying negative things such as, “Shut up” and ”This is dumb”. Nonetheless, people have to remember that this happens  due to the child’s neurological difficulties and not because of deliberate misbehavior. Sensory Integration Processing specific sensory stimuli (can be hypersensitive) is a difficulty for individuals diagnosed with TS. They are easily  over-stimulated by minor things such as noise, bright lights, the feel of certain fabrics, certain tastes or smells.  Sometimes there may be a  need for excessive sensory input (chewing, hitting or hurting himself